Melissa Joan Hart, Actress and Director Extraordinaire

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She may not be a witch anymore, but Melissa Joan Hart still has a magic touch.

Women empowerment is one of the latest trends sweeping the world- and for a good reason. Women are finally getting the respect and kudos that they deserve for things that have been doing for generations. Women aren’t necessarily doing more, but they are getting the opportunity to shine at what they do and the attention that they deserve for killing it. Melissa Joan Hart is a prime example of what it take to be a Boss Babe.

Melissa Joan Hart has been in Hollywood and the silver screen since basically birth. She is well-known for her childhood role as Clarissa in Clarissa Explains It All. You may also remember a little show caller Sabrina The Teenage Witch, which every 80’s and 90’s baby knows all about. She is a staple for many of the memories of millennials around the world. These days, she is a director and producer for many of the hit shows. She has also directed a recent episdoe of “The Goldbergs”. This is where her status of Boss Babe continues today.

In a recent interview with People Magazine, star of the Goldbergs Wendi McClendon-Covey couldn’t say enough about Melissa Joan Hart and how she directed the show. According to McClendon-Covey, Melissa Joan Hart’s use of camera angles and style of directing set her apart from all other.

Wendi recalls Hart being extremely humble and open minded on the set of the Goldbergs. One of the most notable times she recalls is when someone presented her an idea and she simply said “let’s do it.” Her willingness to be open to all ideas and to do what makes sense is a model for all to follow and is only furthering her status as a Boss Babe.

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