Celebrate The Return Of Spring On May Day

Credit: Unsplash

Happy May Day

It’s official, winter is over and spring is officially here according to the Greeks and Romans. Today we celebrate May Day marking the first day of spring so take a moment to smell the flowers.

One way to celebrate the beginning of spring is to literally stop and smell the flowers. Whether you pick some flowers in your local garden or getting a fresh bouquet from your local flower shop, you’ll have a nice floral arrangement to bring the outdoors in.

If you love yoga you can have a little yoga session outside, whether it’s in your backyard or a local park. You can also do a guided meditation to help clear your mind and focus on the more important things.

If you want to channel your creative side, you can do a floral painting that will make for a great piece of decor for your home. The best part is that you can get your friends together and host a painting party at home or go to a wine-friendly class.

For a great way to unwind, you can enjoy a floral tea that will smell like a fresh bouquet with a delicate flavor. Another great way to unwind is a nice bath with floral bath salts, I recommend using a couple of drops of lavender oil that is my favorite.

Celebrate May Day your way and have a spring in your step until summer.

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Celebrate The Return Of Spring On May Day