Health Clues In Your Hair? Your Shine Says It All

Credit: Medical News Today

Everybody wants shiny, healthy hair, free of frizz and reflective of all those Pantene commercials we grew up watching. While many products, styling tools, and good lighting can get you pretty close, it can be virtually impossible to ever have hair like the models if you don’t have your health in check. It might surprise you just how much can be understood about your body from your hair.

You might be wondering what your hair can tell you about your health, and the answer is that it can actually tell you quite a bit. For example, maybe you’re experiencing unexpected hair loss that you can’t attribute to issues like postpartum hair loss or aging. This problem can be caused by a few different issues, like underlying thyroid or hormone problems, or even low levels of iron. Another example of a hair problem caused by health issues is rapid graying of your hair. This can be from aging or genetics, but the rapid part is key, as it can be from heavy stress.

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