Sophie Turner Felt Pressure To Lose Weight While On ‘Game of Thrones’

(Photo Credit: HBO)

Even The Lady of Winterfell feels the pressure of Hollywood

On-screen, Sophie Turner AKA The Lady of Winterfell, was a strong and confident badass that ruled her house and took care of her people. But off-screen was a different story. She wasn’t the same bold woman that she portrayed on screen. Here’s how she overcame it.

Sophie Turner is an English known most notably for her role in the hit HBO series Game Of Thrones. But while filming, Sophie Turner tells Marie Claire Magazine that stress and pressure for her to look a certain way on the screen started to wear her down.

Her mental health started to be affected which affected her confidence off-screen. While filming, her weight started to fluctuate which lead executives and producers to push her into losing weight.

So how did she deal? Sophie Turner opened up about going to therapy saying “ everyone needs a therapist, especially when people are constantly telling you you’re not good enough and you don’t look good enough.” Therapy, coupled with the love and support from her husband, Joe Jonas, now has Sophie Turner loving her self and feeling better every day.

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