Oprah and Reese Witherspoon Are Our New Favorite Best Friends

In their time working on a movie, the two celebrities became close friends.

While working on Disney’s upcoming film, A Wrinkle in Time, entertainment veterans Reese Witherspoon and Oprah Winfry developed a powerful camaraderie that lasted well past the end of the production.

When asked at various award ceremonies about their friendships, both celebrities had nothing but glowing praise to offer each other. Winfry spoke highly of Witherspoon’s long and decorated career, and enjoyed listening to her particular speech mannerisms in the dressing room. Witherspoon said that Winfry possesses a deep love for humanity as a whole, and that her hugs could, in her own words, “end wars and solve world peace.”

Though production has wrapped on A Wrinkle in Time, Witherspoon and Winfry have appeared on several talk shows together, either intentionally or by coincidence, and showcased their newborn friendship. They have also been spotted in public several times around the country simply enjoying each others’ company.
