How to Take the Best Food Pics

You don’t have to be a foodie to appreciate a good meal.

With the explosion of social media around the globe, more and more food is popping up on people’s radar. And who could resist some of the best and tastiest looking dishes in the world, available at your fingertips.

It’s called Food Porn- The craziest pictures of some of the best looking dishes you have ever seen. And if you are a foodie, that’s exactly what it is. What was once something ridiculous, taking pictures of your food or drinks at every meal/ occasion, has become a cultural phenomenon that is more or less international. Everyone from former President Barack Obama to your younger sister Jane flood social media with pictures of their latest delight. But just because you can, doesn’t mean that you should. On the opposite end of the spectrum, we have all seen pictures that people have posted of food that is anything but appetizing.

Even when you know that it’s something that should be delicious, taking a poor picture of it can completely destroy the food porn affect. But taking pictures of your food doesn’t have to be a struggle. Here are a few tips to step up your food porn game and take some pictures as delectable as the food you are photographing.

According to food stylist Katie Farmand, you should start any good food picture with the correct props. SIlverware, plates, even some spilled sauce can all add to the entire image as a whole. Another good tip is to take pictures of foods with layers and color pops. No matter how hard you try to make split pea soup look delicious, no one is ever going to drool on their Instagram feed over a bowl of green mush. Instead, go for pictures of big sandwiches or colorful salads to create the best effect.

Lastly, no matter how good your lighting is in the room, your photo could always use a bit of editing to create that mouth watering pop. I’m not saying to photoshop the dish, but adjusting the exposure and saturation of the picture can really make your food pop in all of the right ways. And as always, don’t use your flash. Flash doesn’t improve any photo ever, so no need to use it now.

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