A Smart Casual Dress Code for Any Occasion

Credit: ABX Designer

Looking sharp, chic and always appropriate.

Adopting elements from a smart casual dress code will save you time and even money. It doesn’t mean that you are completely cutting off your signature style, it’s merely a refreshment, and you are about to discover why. Let’s see why smart casual is so popular and how you can use it even for the upcoming Christmas parties.

What is Smart Casual?

A smart casual dress code is an exciting combination of polished yet relaxed attire. Adjusting your style to this particular dress code is nothing more than creating comfortable yet feminine, elegant outfits. It can be implemented into minimalism, boho, and rock chic, and the best part is that you will never have to worry about the dress code again.

Key Pieces

To fully embrace smart casual, you will need several key pieces. The best thing is that these pieces are pure classic, from boyfriend blazers and ankle-length trousers to slip tops and dresses. Your visual signature is what makes an outfit, so consider these pieces to be a base.

Nailing the perfect look requires balance, so if you are wearing a classy dress, give it a masculine element, with a relaxed cardigan or blazer. It should look effortless, and in time, it will become. But, like everything else in life, even the dress code needs to be learned.

Smart Casual for Christmas Parties

From a little black or red dress, a tuxedo suit, or a cozy and plain white t-shirt, all you need to add is some pieces of jewelry and a nice pair of boots or heels. If you want something more festive, add some velvet to your wardrobe in the form of suits or party dresses. You can wear similar (or the same) outfits for birthdays, weddings, all sorts of celebrations.

Smart Casual VS Business Casual

The majority of big corporations don’t have business dress codes, at least not as it was in the 80s. People are allowed to look more authentic, more fashion-forward, and that’s great, at long as it’s not too revealing or sloppy. Business casual is more conservative, and unlike smart casual, women are expected to wear more fitted clothes and tone it down with jewelry and choice of footwear. Smart casual allows you more freedom, more colors, but what brings these dress codes together is that they don’t rely on trends. This is excellent news, considering we are slowly but surely moving towards a lasting, slow fashion.

The simple conclusion is that it doesn’t matter what you wear, but how you wear it. It takes more money to look cheap, to look classy and chic. Still unsure? French ladies are the epitome of style and grace, and yes, they are rocking smart casual, almost exclusively.

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