Berry Vanilla Belgian Waffle Cake: The Breakfast Dessert of Your Kids’ Dreams

Credit: Best Bites/AOL

Just because Summer is over doesn’t mean that you can’t have fun and light desserts.

Looking for something fun to do with your family? How about making a fun dessert together! The best part about this recipe is that it doesn’t even require an oven.

Start off with your favorite waffle or pancake mix. For a healthier twist, you can use a protein waffle mix or even gluten free if you have other health concerns or food allergies. Make the batter the same way that you normally would; no need to do anything special. You will want to make four full size waffles for this cake.

After cooking the waffles and letting them cool on a wire rack, you can begin making the frosting and filling for the cake. This tasty frosting is a combination of heavy cream, mascarpone cheese, powdered sugar, and strawberry puree.

Begin to assemble the cake by alternating waffle and frosting. In between the waffles, add fresh cut strawberries and granola along with the frosting to build the cake. Garnish the top of the cake with more strawberries and granola.

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