2020 is Leap Year, Do You Know What it Means?

Credit: ASF Blog

It’s one of the most significant feminist issues, yet no one is talking about it.

When it comes to popping the question, not many women dare to make that move. The proposal is still very much up to your man. And you can ask your male friends, this isn’t something they want to do because it’s fun. A man sees it as his duty; otherwise, he might lose a woman he loves. According to intriguing Irish tradition, on February 29, women get to ask the big marriage question, and it sounds just right.

Looking back through ancient Irish history, this tradition started way back in the V century. The legend says St. Patrick decreed the women could propose on this one day in February during the leap year. Then the Irish monks took it to Scotland, and by the way things progressed, one would think that 1500+ years later, women would propose marriage equally as men. One more thing from Irish folklore: if a man declines a woman’s proposal, he’d have to shower her with gifts. We aren’t going that far, but it’s good to be appreciated.

Of course, no one is saying that the women never get to pop the question. But it is so rare, and it still raises eyebrows. Probably because we got somewhat comfortable in our roles, but on this February 29, you, as a woman, can drop some St. Patrick magic and get on one knee.

If you are looking for some inspiration, there’s a romcom with Amy Adams called Leap Year from 2010. The movie is not groundbreaking, but you will get a better picture of what this leap year tradition looks like. And just by thinking about proposing to your partner, you will get to be in men’s shoes: the pressure of creating a perfect evening, music, will he say yes, will he like the ring… Once the holidays are over, start practicing, but before that, you have 60 days to be sure he’s the one.

Who knows, maybe your engagement inspires your friends to do the same. But, just in case you missed it, no one says you have to wait for another four years. Get your man!

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