Put Down Your Phone- Spending Time With Your Kids

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There’s a time and place for your phone, and it’s not when your kids are talking to you.

Technology is a great thing. It makes our lives easier in so many ways. You have immediate access to almost anything you can possibly think of, and honestly, it has become such an integral part of our day to day lives. Whether we like it or not, it is almost impossible to get through the day without some sort of technology, especially your phone.

So what does that mean for raising kids? You don’t need to raise your kids like the traditional Amish, but it is important to make sure that your kids spend just as much, if not more time, being kids and not starring at screens. According to a recent study by The Genius of Play, an online resource for parenting and parents, 65% of parents have some sort of screen limit for their children. The average amount of time that parents allow for their kids is two hours.

But with all of the emphasis on kids and limiting screen time, parents are just as guilty of spending too much time on their phone. According to the study, 50% of parents have been asked by their children to put away their phones when they were supposed to be spending time with them. It’s not a new phenomenon; many parents admit to being guilty of excessive phone usage, some even admitting that they are addicted to their devices. The study concluded that many parents spend almost the same amount of time on their phones as they do spending one on one time with their children.

But it isn’t all bad. Technology is an important part of child raising. With the emphasis on technology in the world today, children need to be involved in exploring the world through technology. On top of that, technology is useful in calming upset children, learning resources, and serves as a good reward for your child. Moderation, as usual, is key.

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